the future impact of Generation Z


Former intern, now full-time staff member Apphia Ochilo is working towards a better future for HESTA members, including her mum.


“Like most young people, I didn’t really think about super before I started at HESTA,” says Apphia, a recent intern turned full-time staff member in the Investment Data Management team at HESTA.


Apphia grew up in the United States, but at age 12 moved to Gippsland in country Victoria. She studied at the University of Melbourne where she earned a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance. She is currently completing her Master of Business IT at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.


“I knew a little bit about HESTA because my mum is a nurse and HESTA member. It wasn’t until I was researching my job application that I discovered HESTA is big on responsible investment.


“I have always been interested in working somewhere that benefits people. Superannuation seems to be the place where all my years of study in finance and technology can intersect with contributing to real-world impact,” says Apphia.

"Superannuation seems to be the place where all my years of study in finance and technology can intersect with contributing to real-world impact."

The bonus of being part of the team that helps generate returns through responsible investment is that Apphia’s working for better financial outcomes for members like her mum.


“From an immigrant’s perspective I think the Australian superannuation system is a real privilege. But I know many HESTA members are nurses like my mum who work long hours caring for others for not a whole lot of money,” says Apphia.


“Then there’s my friends who don’t really understand super but have started showing more interest by asking me questions. I feel like I’m now in a position to really help a lot of people to be better prepared for their financial future.” 

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