roll over your super


This otter makes rolling over look easy, and that’s because it is.


No one likes paying extra. But if you have super floating around in a few different accounts, you may be paying multiple sets of fees and missing out on compounding investment returns, which is interest earned on interest.


The good news is that rolling over (or combining your super) online will only take a few minutes of your time. And a few minutes spent now can give you more control over your financial future and help you create the retirement you deserve.


Why should you roll over?

  1. Pay less in fees

    Combine all of your super into one account and you won’t be paying fees to multiple funds.

  2. Declutter

    One account means you won’t get multiple statements every year or a stream of emails from a number of different super funds.

  3. Keep track of your balance

    With all your money in one place it’s much easier to manage your account and see how your super is tracking. 


Some things to consider

  • Before you roll over your super, review any other benefits, such as insurance cover, that you might have through other super funds. You may be able to transfer your insurance cover over to HESTA. Download the Insurance transfer form (pdf) to check your eligibility or to apply.
  • Think about getting financial advice to help you compare the benefits and costs of funds, and what impact rolling over will have on your super balance. 
  • After you’ve rolled over, make sure your employer is paying contributions to the correct fund.

“My first real interaction with HESTA was when I decided to consolidate all of my super accounts about 10 years ago. They made the process easy to understand and they were really helpful." Trish, HESTA member


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