rollover your super


This otter makes rolling over look easy, and that’s ‘cause it is.


“I love paying extra fees!” said no one, EVER. If you have super floating around in a few different accounts, you may be paying multiple sets of fees.


You can rollover online — it will literally take just a few minutes of your scrolling time. Those few minutes spent now can give you more control over your financial future and could add up to a major $$$ investment for you to splash (or manage responsibly, which we highly recommend) down the track.


Why should you roll over?

  1. Pay less in fees - Roll all of your super into one account and you won’t be paying fees to other funds.*
  2. Declutter - One account means you won’t get multiple statements every year or a stream of emails from a number of different super funds.
  3. Keep track of your balance - With all your money in one place it’s much easier to manage your account and see how your super is tracking. 


Before you rollover your super

  • Review any other benefits, such as insurance cover that you might have through other super funds.
  • Make sure your employer is paying contributions to the correct fund.
  • Think about getting some advice to help you compare the benefits and costs of funds, and what impact rolling over will have on your super balance. 


* Transferring cover from another fund to HESTA is subject to approval. Before you transfer your cover consider seeking financial advice.

“I'm excited to have control over my life when I retire. I don't want my retirement to be determined by money stress, I want it to be full of things I want to explore and enjoy!” Amy, HESTA member.


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