Meet Gerry
When Gerry went along to a HESTA information session earlier this year, he didn’t expect it to have such a big impact on his plans for retirement.
Drought is something most Australians are familiar with, especially people in rural areas. In Australia the mean annual rainfall is less than 600mm across over 80% of the continent.
Most Australians take clean drinking water for granted. But with an eye on your future, HESTA is investing your super in water security for our drought-prone continent. And the benefits are flowing through to your super.
Through our investment manager IFM Investors, some of your super is invested in Wyuna Water. Running water filtration plants in Illawarra and Woronora in New South Wales supply clean water to more than 500,000 people on behalf of Sydney Water Corporation.
The plants have a combined treatment capacity of 370 ML/day, helping to provide water security for the local community and measurable financial returns for you. The Illawarra plant has a hydroelectric facility and is entirely self-sufficient - including its ability to export renewable energy back to the grid.
As a resource that will be needed for years to come, clean water projects are a great investment for your super, and our community.
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a compass for the way we invest. SDG6 (Clean Water) rises to the challenge of helping people that still lack access to safely managed water supplies and sanitation facilities. As a super fund, we realise we can play an important role in making a better world for our members to live, work and retire into.
It’s all about you. From investing your super for positive outcomes, to how we influence positive change, to how we work: it’s all for future you.
When Gerry went along to a HESTA information session earlier this year, he didn’t expect it to have such a big impact on his plans for retirement.
HESTA’s Member Engagement Consultant Blake Beaumont reveals the most common questions he gets asked and shares one thing about super he wishes everyone knew.
Everyone deserves the best possible retirement. And we want to help you save for the future that you want.