media release 


15 June 2022   


HESTA promotes CX and Insights leader Sam Harris to Chief Growth Officer


HESTA is capitalising on its strong member growth track record with the promotion of data, insights and customer experience leader Sam Harris to Chief Growth Officer.


An integral member of the Fund’s leadership team since 2015, Mr Harris was appointed Head of Insights & Customer Experience in 2019 where he helped transform the HESTA member experience using advanced business intelligence, analytics, and insights.


HESTA CEO Debby Blakey said she was thrilled Mr Harris had accepted this important role to lead the Growth team as the Fund surges ahead with the implementation of its new three-year strategy.


“HESTA has begun a growth evolution, with Sam’s appointment continuing to build our capabilities across the business to achieve strong member growth, delivering benefits of scale to members,” Ms Blakey said.


“With close to two decades in the super industry, Sam brings a wealth of experience to the Chief Growth Officer position and has been influential in transforming our member experience, using member insights and segmentation to pave the way for strong member acquisition.


“I know he will bring the same insights-driven thinking to the CGO role and will lead our Growth team to further enhance its capabilities and deepen relationships with our partners.”


Mr Harris first joined HESTA in 2012. He has been integral to transforming the HESTA member experience and led the development of a cloud-based advanced analytics platform that provides all HESTA employees with real-time insights and intelligence. Mr Harris also oversaw design of multiple initiatives to enhance the Fund’s product and digital capabilities and ability to provide omni-channel financial advice.


“HESTA is undergoing an extraordinary period of growth and transformation and I’m very excited to have this opportunity to work with the Growth team to continue enhancing our deep partnerships with the health and community services industry,” Mr Harris said.


“Our members are incredibly hard working and spend their lives caring for others so it’s a real privilege to be able to give back by helping look after their retirement journey and improving their financial confidence.”


Prior to joining HESTA, Mr Harris held various product, operations and relationship management roles with super fund administrator Superpartners. He was also a senior manager at REI Super responsible for delivering customer, administration, financial advice, digital and insurance services.


Mr Harris has tertiary qualifications in financial services and management and has been a member of several advisory boards for major customer experience and insights conferences, including the Customer Insights Symposium and CX Innovation and Techfest, and for the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustee’s Conference of Major Superannuation Funds.



Media contact:

Sam Riley

General Manager Media Relations

(03) 8660 1684


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