Wellness for your wallet
The new year is a great time to check in on your super. Here are some easy things you can do to help it grow.
Superannuation is a long-term strategy, and the long-term returns are strong for HESTA members.
While we aim to achieve strong investment performance over the long term, market ups and downs may impact short-term performance. But this year has delivered challenging conditions for global financial markets.
It’s in this context that HESTA’s Balanced Growth option delivered a return of -1.79% for the past financial year.
This is just the third time in 35 years that HESTA Balanced Growth super option has delivered a negative return. And it’s only the first since the Global Financial Crisis in 2009.
In comparison to other major funds, HESTA Balanced Growth (super) remains a strong performer. SuperRatings, an independent ratings agency, has released their ranking of the top balanced super options for the 2022 financial year. HESTA Balanced Growth placed in the top ten over both one and ten-year time periods.^
Our Income Stream Balanced Growth option returned -4.09%.
We know this is not what you’re used to seeing. However, we do plan and prepare for some negative annual returns as a natural part of investing.
Annualised returns for the period. Investments may go up or down. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Returns are net of investment fees and costs, transaction costs and taxes.
^ Visit SuperRatings for important information about this rating. Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision.
We’ve taken a fresh look at how to best support our members in a changing world. You’ve told us you want: strong long-term performance from sustainable, responsible investments, a more equal society, and a healthy community.
HESTA members are with a top-performing fund* that’s working for real-world impact: not just on your financial future, but on our shared tomorrow.
Currently, we’re investing in assets that really embody this approach. Through one of our investment partners, Blackbird Ventures, HESTA is investing in Inventia Life Sciences. Inventia is creating powerful tools for advanced medical discovery, which includes machines to bioprint human cells in 3D, helping create human tissue for research and therapy, while aiming to generate returns for our members.
Find out more about how we're making an impact >
* SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2014-2024 (MySuper)
The new year is a great time to check in on your super. Here are some easy things you can do to help it grow.
No one enters a relationship thinking it will fail. But fail they do. We look at why it's so important to think about superannuation if you separate or divorce.
We're right here to help you make the most of your retirement savings and navigate the road ahead. Make a time to speak to a HESTA super specialist today.