Meet Gerry
When Gerry went along to a HESTA information session earlier this year, he didn’t expect it to have such a big impact on his plans for retirement.
1. Register for an online account or download the HESTA app
The easiest way to watch your super grow is by having an online account with HESTA. You can check your balance, top up and manage your super online or via the HESTA app 24/7.
Register for an online account or download the app
2. Combine
If you’ve worked more than one job in your life, chances are you’ll have more than one super account, and that may not be in your best interests. Multiple super accounts means multiple sets of fees. One way to improve your super balance is by combining multiple accounts.
Find out more about combining multiple accounts
3. Check your payslip
The super guarantee (SG) is now 11.5%* of an employee’s ordinary time earnings. This is the minimum super that employers must pay their employees. Check your next payslip to ensure your employer is paying you the correct amount. If it doesn’t look right, speak to your payroll department.
* The minimum legislated Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contribution is 11.5% and will rise to 12% from 1 July 2025 onwards.
When Gerry went along to a HESTA information session earlier this year, he didn’t expect it to have such a big impact on his plans for retirement.
HESTA’s Member Engagement Consultant Blake Beaumont reveals the most common questions he gets asked and shares one thing about super he wishes everyone knew.
Our Future Planner tool helps take away the mystery around your financial future. See how much money you're projected to have in retirement and your options for growing your super. Log in to your account to get started.