super through life's stages


We look at how to manage your super from when you first start working, until you finally get to enjoy it.



Starting out

Right now, it’s all about you — so you can set your super up for great things.

The first step? Consider keeping it all in one place. If you’ve worked at a number of jobs there’s a chance you have more than one super account, which means paying more than one set of fees. It’s also worth thinking about topping up your super with extra contributions before life gets more expensive with a mortgage, or maybe kids.

Take the time to look at what your super is invested in. When you’re young, you typically have many years ahead of you to weather any financial storms, so choosing a higher growth investment option might be worth considering.*


Life gets a bit more serious

By default, life insurance (or death cover) and disability insurance — total and permanent disability (TPD) and/or income protection (IP) — is provided within super if you're eligible.

Not only can life insurance protect you if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness, it can help protect your loved ones financially if you pass away.


The daily grind

Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or taking each week as it comes, there are ways to make the most of your super whatever your income.

If you earn under $60,400 in FY24-25, you may be able to take advantage of the government’s super co-contribution. This means that if you contribute money to your super from your take-home pay, you may be eligible for a boost from the government. The amount the government may contribute depends on your total income and how much you contribute up to certain limits.

Check if you're eligible to take advantage of the government co-contribution scheme. If not, you can still consider making after-tax contributions or salary sacrificing extra into your super, which may save you in tax. You can set this up with your employer.

Find out more about contributing to your super.


Maybe kids come along…

Raising kids can be one of life’s great rewards. But less time in the workforce equals less money going into your super account, and less when you retire.

Couples can share this load by adding a bit extra to the main caregiver’s super through spouse contributions or contribution splitting.


If relationships end

When couples separate, super can typically split as part of joint property.

In the best case scenario, an amicable decision on how much each person gets will be reached. If not, a court order to split the super might be necessary.

HESTA is proud to be one of the first Australian super funds to adopt the government's Simpler Super Splitting initiative. This offers members a simple, plain language form for court orders that can be used across the super and legal sectors and by the courts. Reach out to our team to find out more.


Winding down

No matter what’s happening in your personal life, as you get older you should reassess the insurance you have in your super and who should get your super when you pass away.
You might also want to review what your super is invested in; your needs will change as you get closer to retirement.

* Investment returns may go up and down. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. You should seek advice before making changes to your investment options.

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