† Previously named Core Pool. Commenced 1 August 1987 | * Previously named Conservative Pool. Commenced 1 July 1995 | ^ Commenced 1 October 2020 | § Previously named Eco Pool. Commenced 1 February 2000 | ‡ Previously named Shares Plus. Commenced 1 July 1995 | + Previously named Cash; changed to include Term Deposits on 1 Oct 2020. Performance history before 1 October 2020 based on Cash. Commenced 1 July 2001 | Ø Previously named Property; changed to include Infrastructure on 1 Oct 2020. Performance history before 1 October 2020 based on Property. Commenced 1 July 2001 | ± Previously named Global bonds. Commenced 1 July 2001 | # Commenced 1 July 2001
Average annual return to June 30 of selected financial year ranges 1, 3, 5 or 10. Returns are net of investment fees and costs, transaction costs and taxes. Rounding has been applied to the graph to the nearest dollar. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
The way your money in your super is invested is up to you. There are 5 Ready-Made investment options for your super, created by our experts for you to simply choose from. Or, you can choose to create your own mix from the Your Choice investment options, to match your asset and risk preferences.
Financial year-to-date performance
Subject to investment market movements, returns for the full financial year may be higher or lower than the returns for the financial year-to-date period.
Historical performance results
In the long term, one of the most significant factors affecting your retirement benefit will be the investment performance after costs, fees and taxes are deducted. When you're looking at a super fund you should check what sort of performance the fund has achieved and whether you have a choice of investment options.
You should also examine the investment objectives of the fund or investment option you will be investing in, both to assess the level of risk involved and to establish whether they have been meeting their goals. However, remember that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Unit prices
As of 23 October 2021, returns and unit prices are presented daily.
Returns and unit prices on the effective date selected show valuations of assets 2 business days prior. For example, selecting an effective date of 2 July 2022 will display the actual performance and pricing at close of business on 30 June 2022.
Please note, unit prices calculated Thursday will apply from the immediate Saturday and will continue to apply Sunday and Monday until Friday’s valuation is applied Tuesday.
*Weekends and weekdays that fall on a National public holiday and the King’s birthday (VIC/NSW) when the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) is closed are non-business days.
Find out more about unit pricing in Investment choices (PDF).
Initial change to unit pricing
HESTA changed from crediting rates to unit pricing in December 2016.
Investment performance figures for the week 30 November – 6 December 2016 is a combination of a crediting rate and unit prices that applied over that period.
Prior to the week 30 November – 6 December 2016, investment performance figures are the historical crediting rates. There are no unit prices for these prior periods.
Returns and unit prices on the effective date selected show valuations of assets at least 2 days prior. For example, selecting an effective date of 4 July 2023 will display the actual performance and pricing on 30 June 2023. Returns are presented daily as of 23 October 2021.
Financial year-to-date performance
Subject to investment market movements, returns for the full financial year may be higher or lower than the returns for the financial year-to-date period.
Historical performance results
In the long term, one of the most significant factors affecting your retirement benefit will be the investment performance after costs, fees and taxes are deducted. When you're looking at a super fund you should check what sort of performance the fund has achieved and whether you have a choice of investment options.
You should also examine the investment objectives of the fund or investment option you will be investing in, both to assess the level of risk involved and to establish whether they have been meeting their goals. However, remember that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Unit prices
As of 23 October 2021, returns and unit prices are presented daily.
Returns and unit prices on the effective date selected show valuations of assets 2 business days prior. For example, selecting an effective date of 2 July 2022 will display the actual performance and pricing at close of business on 30 June 2022.
Please note, unit prices calculated Thursday will apply from the immediate Saturday and will continue to apply Sunday and Monday until Friday’s valuation is applied Tuesday.
*Weekends and weekdays that fall on a National public holiday and the King’s birthday (VIC/NSW) when the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) is closed are non-business days.
Find out more about unit pricing in Investment choices (PDF).
Initial change to unit pricing
HESTA changed from crediting rates to unit pricing in December 2016.
Investment performance figures for the week 30 November – 6 December 2016 is a combination of a crediting rate and unit prices that applied over that period.
Prior to the week 30 November – 6 December 2016, investment performance figures are the historical crediting rates. There are no unit prices for these prior periods.
The net benefit is your investment earnings, after any fees, costs and taxes have been taken out.
It shows what returns you've earned on your super — and it's calculated based on historical returns.
Not sure how to choose an investment option you'll be comfortable with? Our Risk profiler can help.
If you're retired or plan to retire soon, see how HESTA's Retirement Income Stream has performed.
Check how HESTA compares to other super funds on performance and more.
Daily unit pricing gives you an up-to-date view of your investment option’s value so you can you to make informed decisions about your investment strategy.
We’re here to support you to get the most out of your super, including your investments. As a HESTA member, you have access to dedicated experts as part of your membership.
See how your own financial adviser can take a look at your HESTA account, inlcuding your member account summary and investments.
When the world’s markets move, it’s natural to feel concerned about your investments. Find out more about market volatility, what you can do, and what we're doing to navigate you to a more secure retirement.
Read a recap of 2024 performance, market movements, our CIO in the news, and a partnership to increase housing development.
Find out why we invest in innovative companies that can improve health and wellbeing, while delivering strong investment outcomes for our members.
You can keep track of your investment performance, check your super balance, keep your personal details up to date, and much more, with the HESTA App.
* SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2015-2025 (MySuper).
# Balanced Growth, Conservative and High Growth option rankings in the respective SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Surveys December 2024. Sustainable Growth ranking in the SuperRatings Sustainable Fund Crediting Rate Survey December 2024. Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. Visit SuperRatings for important information about this rating. Investments may go up or down. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
^ Product ratings and awards are only one factor to be considered when making a decision.